Privacy-preserving data science in systems medicine |
Prof. Jan Baumbach |
CT Scans of Single Cells |
Prof. Carolyn A. Larabell |
Nothing but noise? Quantifying intracellular mechanics from fluctuations. |
Prof. Timo Betz |
Single Cell Manipulation, Introduction of Nanoinjector SU-10 |
Erika Zernickel |
High-throughput profiling of CRISPR-based gene editors and their targets |
Dr. Stephen Jones |
Should I bend or should I grow: the physics of droplet autophagy |
Dr. Jaime Agudo-Canalejo |
Engineering spatial organization in biomimetic systems |
Henrike Niederholtmeyer |
Two-dimensional SAS-6 self-assembly directs centriole formation through kinetic and structural mechanisms |
Dr. Niccolo Banterle |
Mapping, understanding and engineering metabolic networks in bacteria |
Prof. Hannes Link |
The proton motive force determines Escherichia coli's robustness to extracellular pH |
Teuta Pilizota |