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Biological Information Processing

Dr. Jürgen Pahle

Project Leader

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pahle is a computer scientist with degrees from the UMass in Dartmouth, MA, USA and the KIT, Karlsruhe. He worked at the EML Research gGmbH, Heidelberg, and was awarded a doctorate in biophysics by the HU Berlin as an external candidate. After a PostDoc at the University of Manchester, UK, and a visiting professorship at the Saarland University in Saarbrücken, he became an independent group leader at BioQuant in 2014. He is also an external consultant for the Baden Württemberg Cancer Registry, Stuttgart.

Our team

Name Position Sort descending Email Telephone Room
Dr. Jürgen Pahle Group Leader 51357 545
Lena Maxine Lenkeit Student 51353
Marisa God Student 51357
Pascal Lukas Student    
Antonia Netzl Student    
Szilard Varga Student